Early yesterday morning, onesocial had a fun outing with go-karting!
Once we reached the go-karting venue at Le Mans Entertainment, we completed the formalities of creating a karting profile, dress code and go-karting initiation by the marshals there. We were all very excited to be there as, for many, it was their first experience go-karting. Due to our booking being so early in the morning, we had the track entirely for ourselves. We all listened carefully to all the rules and instructions. There were traffic lights on every track corner, which meant something different. An amber light told us to slow down, red was to stop, and both amber and red meant to go back to the pits. We were now ready to begin!

First Round:
We had Anthony, Kris, Fox, Jacob, Issac & Griffin in our first round. The rest of the group watched from the grandstands, which was fun as we got to learn from their experience. Everyone drove their karts around the track whilst being conscious of following all the rules. Most of the group were still understanding the basics of go-karting. It was a kind of on-the-job training, too, while in a competition! I thought as many were first-timers, they all did well!

Second Round:
We had Lachie, James, Will, Mark, Tuan, and myself in this round. According to Lachie, "he was born ready to race". After a few laps of warming up, the race was on. Everyone was very competitive, and I think everyone overtook me at one point. It took me a little time to realise that managing the speed during turning and going up the slope is crucial to keeping the momentum and balance of the vehicle. James and Tuan were neck and neck the whole race; they mastered the ability to overtake and take on sharp turns very quickly. We had a few crashes in this round, but everyone was great and was encouraged to keep going.
Third Round:
Now the actual competition had begun! Everyone got to verse each other on the track in the third round! As more people were on track during this round, it was more challenging to overtake, turn corners and keep up the speed. After a few laps, it looked very smooth on the track, everyone was improving their times per lap, and then disaster struck! On one of the turnings, Anthony's kart hit Will from behind; he ended up in a ditch on the grass. After assistance from one of the marshals, Will was back on the track racing in no time! On average, everyone did 15 laps before the round was over. Fox and Griffin were so comfortable; they were driving with a single hand on the steering wheel, at least on the straight stretch on the track. In the end, our adrenaline was pumping, and we all were thrilled with the whole go-karting outing and our achievements.

After our go-karting experience, we drove around the corner to a park where we kicked the football and threw the frisbee. Jacob impressed us all with his kicking ability! We then wrapped up the day with some lunch and headed home.
We have added a new event for next Sunday (1st of May) which will be filled with ACMI, Scienceworks & Grazeland. If interested please book in now to secure a place!
- Brooke & Anthony from onesocial :)
Another fabulous event which Lachie talked about all weekend. He had so much fun, I think he even enjoyed crashing ! 😂🏎️