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Ocean Grove Airbnb Holiday 🌊

This weekend, we all made our way to Ocean Grove where we stayed in an Airbnb for the night. This was our biggest group thus far! It was so great to see new friendships being made and old ones reuniting. We had a handful of new faces and old ones that have been here from the start. For many, it was the best Airbnb yet! We had the Xbox set up in one area where An & Aiden were beating Brett in FIFA, we had Lachie, Lauryn & Holly laughing their hearts out watching a Christmas favourite ''Deck the Halls" and a group upstairs playing the board game "Articulate" where Grace and Jesse were on a roll. We even had Anthony and Flynn playing a very competitive game of table tennis.

We couldn't go to Ocean Grove without going to the beach, so a group of us made our way down the road to the beach.

Tara, Adam & Jett even got into the water. I don't know how they did it, the water looked freezing!

We are missing a few people from this photo as they were back at the Airbnb with Jackson playing games.

Brett had to carry An all the way home as Brett lost to An in a game of FIFA!

When we got back, we had homemade burgers for dinner. Grace did a great job! At this point, there was a massive thunderstorm so a bunch of us sat out on the patio and watched the lightning.

After dinner, we all surprised Tara and An and sang happy birthday.

Now it wouldn't be an Airbnb trip without playing onesocial's all-time favourite game of murder in the dark. This Airbnb had lots of different rooms so there were so many places to hide. Fox played so well, and hide in the best places, no one could ever find him!

The rest of the trip consisted of movies, more board games and Mario Kart on the Nintendo switch. The next morning, Jackson cooked everyone pancakes and then it was time to make our journey back home. Everyone had a great time, and although everyone was exhausted by the end, most slept all the way home in the car. Thanks so much to everyone that came! Some great memories and friendships were made over the weekend.

In the next couple of days, we will add more activities over the Christmas holidays on the website, so keep an eye out!

- Brooke & the team at onesocial :)

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Lachie B
Lachie B
Nov 24, 2022

What a fun time they all had despite the chilly weather Brooke. Looks like they all had lots of fun and Murder in the dark as always was a highlight 😃

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