We are back again playing outdoor laser tag at Lazer Strike where there are acres of natural bush battlefields for everyone to play. Outdoor laser tag is one of our most popular events as it seems to be an all-time favourite. Before we got started, we all geared up in camouflage and picked out our weapon of choice. After making our way down to the battlefield, we were split into teams and quickly briefed on using our laser guns. We all felt very in character and couldn't wait to get started.
The first game was a Team Deathmatch. Both teams started at their base, and when the siren sounded, the match was in play. There was plenty of cover for everyone to hind behind, and the meandering paths all led to different strategic points, either of advantage or disadvantage. The aim of this battle was the team with the most kills wins. After playing multiple rounds of this game, everyone became familiar and more confident with how to aim and use their laser tag gun. It was a very warm day, so regular drink breaks were taken so we could get ready for the next mission.

The second game was Capture the Base, where both teams had to try their best at holding and defending a base for the most amount of time in a 10-minute timeframe. Each round was very close between the teams as everyone got competitive and in the zone.

Over our two hour session, there were many battles, missions and scenarios fought. Everyone agreed that playing outdoor laser tag in an outdoor battleground feels like no other than a blacklight indoor arena. After catching our breath back and debriefing over the session, we all made our way to Subway for lunch. Everyone had all worked up quite an appetite after all our hard work on the battlefield. By then, everyone was exhausted after a massive morning, so we called it a day.

Stay tuned for our next event!
- Brooke & the team at onesocial